Vendor Central Terms and Conditions

This documents sets forth the terms and conditions (hereinafter, “Terms and Conditions”) of use of the Vendor Central by any person (hereinafter, “Seller”) wishing to offer their products (hereinafter, “Products”) to be purchased and sold by EBAZAR.COM.BR LTDA. and/or First Label S.R.L. (hereinafter, “Mercado Livre”) on the (hereinafter, “Web Site”). 

These Terms and Conditions are mandatory and binding. Any Seller who refuses to accept or who disagrees with the Terms and Conditions shall refrain from using the Vendor Central.  

By using the Vendor Central, the Seller agrees that communications with Mercado Livre shall take place electronically, either at the email address provided by the Seller as contact information or through such messages as the Seller may receive via the Vendor Central. Accordingly, the Seller agrees that any electronic communication from Mercado Livre shall be legally valid.


1. Vendor Central

In order to use the Vendor Central, the Sellers shall register and upload their product offerings to Mercado Livre, along with pricing information, registration number, condition, and other Product characteristics.  If the Seller is a legal entity, the individual who performs the registration guarantees to have the capacity to contract on its behalf and to oblige it.

The Product categories available to be offered via the Vendor Central shall be previously defined by Mercado Livre. 

Mercado Livre may acquire the Products through purchase orders (hereinafter, “Purchase Orders”). The issue of a Purchase Order shall create no additional obligations for Mercado Livre or cause the Sellers to have any expectations regarding successive Purchase Orders featuring the same or similar contents. 

Mercado Livre shall be under no obligation to purchase the Products, which the Sellers shall be under no obligation to sell, until such time as the Sellers have accepted the respective Purchase Orders.


2. Representations

The Seller represents and warrants as follows: 

  • The Seller has the necessary organization and legal and economic advice to use the Vendor Central freely and independently, weighing any potential commercial risks.  

  • Any information uploaded to the Vendor Central shall constitute a sworn statement as to its accuracy and up-to-date status, and the Seller shall be liable for any consequences resulting from any full or partial inaccuracy.

  • The Seller has been duly authorized by the owner of the brand(s) (or other relevant person) to offer the Products for sale and to sublicense to third parties the right to sell, advertise and/or distribute such Products and comply with the Terms and Conditions.

  • The Products were prepared, manufactured, assembled, labeled, and packaged in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.  

  • The Products are not defective, nor do they pose a risk to the health or physical integrity of consumers.

  • The Brands, Materials, Product Information (as defined below), the Products, and the sale of the Products do not infringe the intellectual or industrial property rights of third parties of any kind, including trademarks, copyrights, patents, models, or industrial designs, among others, nor do they infringe non-monetary rights.

  • The Products may be legally promoted and advertised by Mercado Livre on mass and other media, without restriction.


3. Obligations 

Without prejudice to any other obligations under the applicable laws and these Terms and Conditions, the Sellers shall have the following obligations: 

  • To comply with the commercial terms established at the Vendor Central and in the Purchase Orders.

  • To comply with commercial agreements entered into with Mercado Livre through Vendor Central. If the communication of proposals, the acceptance of proposals, the revocation of proposals and acceptances, are expressed in electronic form or by means of an electronic record, such contract shall be deemed to be valid and enforceable.
  • To accurately and adequately provide to Mercado Livre all Product information and descriptions, as well as appropriate warnings and instructions for use and maintenance.

  • To notify Mercado Livre of any occurrence or circumstance causing the Product information to be inaccurate, incomplete, false, and/or misleading.

  • If applicable, to deliver the Products alongside the required warranty certificate, guaranteeing to purchasing users the proper satisfaction of the Products’ warranty (hereinafter, “Warranty”) and technical service (hereinafter, “Technical Service”).

  • To keep their account information, as well as the related username and password, confidential. 

  • Assume the responsibility of carrying out all the procedures before the tax and customs authorities in order to obtain the nationalization of the Products acquired through the Purchase Orders. Consequently, the Seller shall pay all the customs duties and deliver with the Products the respective supporting document, such as, but not limited to, the import declaration


4. Price and Payment Terms

Mercado Livre shall pay the Sellers the amounts set forth in the Purchase Orders, based on the Product quantities ordered by Mercado Livre and the Products actually delivered by the Sellers (hereinafter, “Price”). 

Mercado Livre shall make payment of the Price within the period established in the Purchase Order, after submission of the respective non-disputed invoice, provided that all conditions for payment have been satisfied  


5. Product Delivery

Any Products acquired by Mercado Livre shall be individually packaged and delivered by the Sellers at the distribution center (hereinafter, “Distribution Center”) indicated by Mercado Livre, the address of which shall be stated in the respective Purchase Orders. 

The Sellers agree to meet the delivery periods set forth in the respective Purchase Orders, which delivery periods shall run from the date of acceptance of the Purchase Orders.

Up to the actual delivery of the Products at the Distribution Center, title and any risks related to the goods, including transport, shall remain with the Sellers. Payment of the Price shall not entail an assumption of any liability whatsoever by Mercado Livre prior to actual delivery of the Products at the Distribution Center. 

The Sellers shall be responsible for paying the price for transport of the Products for delivery at the Distribution Center, as well as for the keeping and custody of the relevant transport documents, and Mercado Livre shall have no liability in that regard. 

The Sellers shall be responsible for  the Product’s transportation ts  to the Distribution Center -which includes payment for the transportation-, as well as for the keeping and custody of the relevant transport documents, and Mercado Livre shall have no liability in that regard. 

The Sellers shall be responsible for scheduling the Product’s delivery to the Distribution Center and undertake to make the delivery - either by themselves or through a third party - at the time and date indicated in the scheduling.


6. Quality Check

Within 7 consecutive days of delivery of the Products at the Distribution Center, Mercado Livre may perform a quality check on the Products intended to detect any irregularities. 

No email from Mercado Livre and/or document it may have signed acknowledging delivery of the Products may be interpreted to constitute acceptance of the Products.

In the event of any discrepancy as to price, quantity and/or quality between the Products delivered to Mercado Livre and those established at the Vendor Central and the respective Purchase Order, Mercado Livre may: 

  • Suspend payment on the invoice, and the Seller shall issue a credit memo for any missing Products, which memo shall be sent to Mercado Livre.

  • Return the Products to the Sellers, at the Sellers’ expense and risk. 

  • Cancel the Purchase Order without incurring any penalty or liability. 

  • Pay only for such Products as have actually been delivered at the Distribution Center, as documented by the Sellers by issuing a new invoice.

In the event that the Sellers should fail to deliver the Products or make partial delivery thereof, delivery or full delivery shall be completed within 5 consecutive days after the date of notice thereof from Mercado Livre.

The aforementioned term in this clause does not apply to defects in the Products that cannot be verified reasonably when Mercado Livre receives them. In these cases, the Seller shall be the only one held responsible for providing a new Product or covering the return costs, depending on the case.


7. Intellectual Property

Suppliers authorize Mercado Libre, its related companies, suppliers, and users to utilize, reproduce, and showcase the intellectual property associated with the Products, including trademarks, slogans, logos, typography, designs, drawings, look and feel, and all other identifying features of the Products (hereinafter referred to as “the Brands”). This authorization also applies to the Material that Suppliers share with Mercado Libre (defined below) to provide offers, communicate, and advertise the sale of the Products across various media channels, both mass and non-mass, whether owned by Mercado Libre or by third parties, including Websites, Mercado Libre applications, social networks, and third-party websites.

This authorization includes creating Catalog listings, email marketing, institutional campaigns, landing pages, Mercado Libre Videos, or anything that may replace them in the future.

The Suppliers will provide Mercado Libre with advertising material, including product photos, collections, advertising videos, product demonstration videos, and any other photographic and audiovisual material they have produced to offer, communicate, and advertise the Products (hereinafter, the “Materials”), for the purposes mentioned above, in high resolution, and in a format to be agreed upon by the Parties.

Suppliers declare that they hold all necessary rights and authorizations to grant the present authorization regarding Brands and the Material to Mercado Libre, its related companies, suppliers, and users, free of charge, on a non-exclusive, international, and irrevocable basis. They also guarantee that these rights do not infringe the rights of third parties (including trademark rights, copyrights, patents, industrial design rights, industrial models, utility models, trade secrets, know-how, image rights, music rights, and the rights of collective management entities, among others). Furthermore, Suppliers guarantee that the Materials comply with all current legal requirements and the best advertising and marketing practices.

On the other hand, the Suppliers authorize Mercado Libre, its related companies, suppliers, and users to produce their own advertising material to offer, communicate, and advertise the Products, using and adapting the Brands and Materials for this intent. Additionally, the Suppliers grant permission for them to feature third-party Products or intellectual property in such material. All of the above is solely to comply with what is outlined in these Terms and Conditions.

Suppliers are obligated to consistently provide Mercado Libre with updated information pertaining to the Products and Materials at no cost. This includes, where available, digital images of the Products, advertising, and demonstration videos, related product collections, and detailed descriptions, along with any necessary information or warnings mandated by law to be disclosed in sales or advertisements (referred to as “Product Information”). The aforementioned material may also be utilized by Mercado Libre, its related entities, suppliers, and users under the terms outlined in this clause.


8. Sale of the Products on the Web Site

The sale of the Products on the Web Site shall be handled by Mercado Livre as per its own sales force and commercial strategy, with no interference from the Sellers. Without limitation, Mercado Livre may, at its sole discretion and without any restriction: 

  • Carry out advertising and promotional initiatives on mass or other media.

  • Set the price for the sale of the Products on the Web Site.

  • Define the discount policy on the Products’ selling price on a random or general basis.

  • Suspend or definitively cease the sale of the Products on the Web Site.

  • Define rotation and/or destruction policies for the Products.

  • Perform internal studies on the interests, behavior, and demographics of the Products’ buyers in order to gain a better understanding of their needs and interests and improve its commercial and promotional initiatives.

In spite of the above, Mercado Livre reserves the right to sell Products directly to consumers and/or any other merchant outside the Web Site in light of different incentives at its sole discretion.


9. Returns

Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 6, Mercado Livre can return to the Sellers products with an elevated percentage of complaints from the Buyers of the Web Site related to status and/or conditions. 

In such cases, Mercado Livre shall notify the Sellers at least 10 business days in advance via email and the Seller must then schedule the pickup.

The Seller will have a maximum term of 30 calendar days to complete the pickup in the Distribution Center indicated by Mercado Livre. The pickup and transportation shall be the Seller’s responsibility and at their expense. 

Moreover, the Seller agrees to recognize the total value of these products for a price equal to the purchase value or for a price that the Parties agree upon.


10. Collaborations accounts

Each Seller registered in Vendor Central has its own administrator account (for the purposes hereinafter, the “Administrator”). The Administrator may invite others -such as employees, co-owners, or contractors- to create a collaboration account under separate usernames and passwords (the “Collaborator”). By creating an account, each Collaborator accepts the Terms and Conditions contained herein, otherwise they must refrain from using Vendor Central.

The Administrator may grant certain permissions to any Collaborator through the permission page. By setting user permissions, Collaborators can complete several tasks such as offer items for sale to Mercado Livre, manage inventory, accept purchase orders, conduct commercial transactions, among others. 

Administrators represent and warrant that the obligations of Administrators and Collaborators under the Terms and Conditions are joint and several. Administrators are fully liable for all Collaborators' activities. Any breach of the Terms and Conditions by Collaborators is deemed to be a breach by its Administrator, and vice versa.

Both Administrator and Collaborator are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their account and password and for restricting access to their computers and other applicable devices. 

Mercado Livre reserves the right to refuse certain collaboration accounts, and/or terminate collaboration accounts at its sole discretion.


11. Indemnity

The Sellers shall defend, indemnify and hold Mercado Livre, its related companies and their respective directors, managers, officials, representatives, agents and employees harmless from and in connection with any damage, cost, loss, liability, expense (including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees, experts’ fees, and court costs) (hereinafter, “Indemnity”) resulting from court and/or private claims arising from and/or in connection with any third party claim due to:  

  • Personal injury, material damage or losses resulting from Product defects or Product use.

  • The Products’ recall from the market due to any sort of problem with or defect in the Products.

  • Any infringement of current laws and best practices, as well as of the intellectual and industrial property rights that third parties hold over the Products, Brands, and/or Materials.

  • The untruthfulness or inaccuracy of the Seller’s representations set forth in the Terms and Conditions and the Vendor Central.

  • Collaborators' obligations, activities or breaches .and / or by third parties subcontracted by them for the execution of their obligations in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, which include the carriers that the Sellers may contract to deliver the Products at the Distribution Center.
  • Any claim by the purchasing users, fine and/or monetary penalty imposed on Mercado Livre by any court and/or administrative authority due to the characteristics of the Products and/or fulfillment of the Warranty and/or provision of the Technical Service.

  • Any court and/or private labor claim due to work-related accident or illness asserted by employees, dependents, officials and/or staff working or who had worked as an employee or contractor of the Seller. 

Mercado Livre shall notify the Seller of any claim it becomes aware of and may exercise the right to exclusively direct or set the defense strategy in or out of court in connection with such claims.


12. Violation of the Terms and Conditions. Consequences.

Without prejudice to any other applicable measures, Mercado Livre reserves its rights to warn, suspend or definitely cancel the Vendor’s account and terminate the relationship under these Terms and Conditions, at its sole discretion and without prior notice, in the following cases: 

  • The Seller’s violation of the applicable law, these Terms and Conditions and other policies of Mercado Livre.

  • The Seller’s engagement, in Mercado Livre’s opinion, in intentional or fraudulent misconduct or actions.

  • The Seller’s identity cannot be verified, or any information supplied by the Seller is incorrect.

  • In Mercado Livre’s opinion, the Seller’s postings or any actions may give rise to liability or cause damage and/or directly or indirectly impair Mercado Livre’s image and/or reputation.

In any event, the Sellers shall fulfill all obligations outstanding under any accepted Purchase Orders. 


13. Termination 

Mercado Livre and the Sellers may terminate their relationship under these Terms and Conditions through written notice 30 consecutive days in advance of the termination date. 

Without prejudice to such termination, Mercado Livre and the Sellers shall fulfill all obligations outstanding under any issued and accepted Purchase Orders. 


14. Additional Obligations

In the event that the Sellers have an important role in the local market and/or are owners or holders of brands that are nationally and/or internationally popular, Mercado Livre will periodically check the offer of products of these Sellers on the Web Site to verify that the Buyers are receiving an excellent purchasing experience, with a wide range of quality products and at competitive prices.

If Mercado Livre identifies that these Sellers offer a poor purchasing experience, a very limited offering of products and/or prices that are not sufficiently competitive when in relation to other sales channels comparable for their product type or category (for example, proprietary websites, social media, physical stores and other online platforms), to safeguard the experience of the Buyers and the success of the Web Site in terms of democratization of commerce, the Sellers recognize and accept that Mercado Livre is entitled to correct that breach in supply and price by their own sales force. 

For that reason, if it is noticed that the offering conditions of these Sellers are not competitive, Mercado Livre may urge the Sellers through this Vendor Central to offer commercial conditions to make up for this deficiency. If the Sellers do not accept this possibility and their offer in the Web Site and in the Vendor Central is still deficient in some of the established parameters, Mercado Livre may cancel the Seller’s account, with prior notification and an organized closure. 

Moreover, Mercado Livre reserves the right to review The Seller's activity on the Web Site and to discontinue, among other measures, the use of features that are intended to exclusively highlight the Sellers who provide the best shopping experience for users (e.g.: Official Stores, Brand Stores and other services offered by Mercado Livre).


15. Confidentiality

The Sellers shall keep confidential, and not disclose to third parties, any Confidential Information (as defined below) received from Mercado Livre or its related companies or in any other way discovered by the Sellers in connection with or as a result of the performance of these Terms and Conditions, not even to preserve such information. For these purposes, “Confidential Information” shall mean any information which is not publicly available and is used, developed or obtained by Mercado Livre and/or its related companies, including, without limitation, (i) information, procedures and data obtained and/or developed by the provider, Mercado Livre or its related companies (including those obtained prior to the execution hereof, concerning the business or affairs of Mercado Livre or its related companies), (ii) products or services, (iii) costs and pricing structures, (iv) analyses, (v) business and accounting methods, (vi) computer software, including operating systems, applications and program listings, (vii) flow charts, manuals and documentation, (viii) all production methods, processes, technology and trade secrets, and (ix) any other similar and related information, in whatever form. 

Moreover, the Sellers agree to use the Confidential Information only for the purposes of fulfilling their obligations under the Terms and Conditions and shall be liable for any breach of their confidentiality obligation by their personnel and/or contractors.

This confidentiality obligation shall remain in full force and effect for a period of 5 consecutive years as from termination of the Terms and Conditions.


16. Scope

These Terms and Conditions do not create any partnership, agency, distribution or supply or employment relationship between Mercado Livre and the Sellers, who shall remain independent parties with no business relationship between them other than under these Terms and Conditions.


Mercado Livre and the Sellers may create and implement identical or similar commercial agreements with third parties, which shall not entail acceptance of the Terms and Conditions, use of the Vendor Central or the issue of Purchase Orders, or any exclusivity or preference rights in connection with the purchase, promotion and/or advertising of any Product. 

Any subsidiary of and/or company related to Mercado Livre may issue a Purchase Order under these Terms and Conditions, and such Purchase Orders shall constitute an independent obligation of the issuing subsidiary and/or related company. As regards such Purchase Orders, the subsidiary and/or related company in question shall be bound by these Terms and Conditions, and all references to Mercado Livre in this Offer shall be deemed to constitute references to such subsidiary and/or related company.


17. Modification

Mercado Livre may modify these Terms and Conditions at any time. All modified terms and conditions shall become effective 10 days after publication. Any Seller who disagrees with the changes introduced by Mercado Livre may request termination of the relationship, guaranteeing the fulfillment of any obligations outstanding under issued and accepted Purchase Orders.

Use of the Vendor Central and acceptance of Purchase Orders shall entail acceptance of these Terms and Conditions, as modified.  


18. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

The Terms and Conditions, Vendor Central and Purchase Orders shall be governed in their entirety by the laws in force in the Brazil. 

Any and all conflicts which may arise between Mercado Livre and the Sellers shall be submitted to the jurisdiction of the judicial district of São Paulo-SP, and the parties hereby waive any other appropriate court or jurisdiction.


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